Transport Services
As part of our mission to provide both affordable and accessible vet care, WCVC offers regularly scheduled transport services to help facilitate spay and neuter procedures. Our transport services operate from various locations throughout Wisconsin in order to provide support for communities in need, while working to reduce a substantial barrier to veterinary care.
Appointments are REQUIRED. Walk-ups cannot be safely accommodated.
Upcoming dates can be found through the "Book Now" link.
Dogs MUST arrive on leash. Cats MUST arrive in individual and secure carriers.
Refunds will not be given- All missed appointments must be rescheduled.
We reserve the right to refuse transport and/or service.
Brachycephalic (short-nosed) dogs or cats who may be prone to respiratory distress should be scheduled directly with the clinic.
The Premium Plus Package is required for all senior dogs and cats (7 years of age & older) coming to the clinic for a spay or neuter. We highly recommend a Senior Wellness visit + Bloodwork before the surgery date.